Song Studies VII: living our one life’s on god’s green earth

Released August 21, 2024

Helpful Links:
Apple Music

Album Context:

These are three lil tunes written & voice memo recorded in a single day…..and one very out of place LCD Soundsystem cover that features more production than I've often ever used and took me a really long time to finish. I had begun the full album recording process, which ironically ends up being one of the richest periods for writing new songs. Once the full album is piecing together, it becomes clearer where the thematic gaps are and the songs needed to fill those gaps quickly emerge. I like how these three songs fill those gaps.

It's funny that I've included the LCD cover song here. I've always been very adamantly anti-cover songs, but I was slapping this track together to feel out the type of sonic approach I'm taking on my forthcoming full album, so figured I might as well release it here. Also James Murphy has been one of my greatest artistic & songwriting inspirations since kicking off Feel Loudly, so let's ride. This interview in particular I'll revisit every few months.